Partnership between MEREC and MAKOBO Platform
As part of our social responsibility activities, we prioritize support for children and education, and it is on this basis that we have today signed a partnership with the MAKOBO Platform, where we have become another partner in the Lunchbox Solidarity project.
The Solidarity Lunch Box - The School Lunch, is a project whose main objective is to offer meals in schools to disadvantaged children, so that they can have the energy to learn, as well as an incentive to continue in school, and thus contribute to the decrease in the dropout rate, one of the main problems faced by Education in Mozambique, in addition to contributing to the satisfaction of one of the children's rights defined by the UN, which is the right to food.
The project covers around 10 schools in Maputo City, where more than 3,000 schoolchildren will benefit. MEREC will provide monthly support to the project with Wheat Flour and Corn Flour for cooking the meals.
Esperamos com esta parceria motivar as crianças, para que continuem a frequentar a escola, e que no futuro possam contribuir para o desenvolvimento do País.