Forte S1
Marca: Forte S1
Validity: 3 months
Storage conditions

Ambient temperature 23 to 25ºC, on pallets.

Recommendations and allergens

Stock rotation and contains gluten

Category: Feed
Product Use / Description

500 g por dia, consumo para leitões de 14 a 30 dias e pré-desmama de 31 a 53 dias.


Corn, Corn bran, Wheat bran, Soybean meal, Soybean pulp, Cookie powder, Lemon powder, Monocalcium phosphate, Salt, Methionine, Lysine, Toxin, Baking soda (Sodium bicarbonate), Pig finisher premix, Mold control, Coccidiostat


Trucks or containers properly sanitized and/or treated against infestation, covered with a waterproof tarp, and free from strange odors.

Nutritional value